Publications by authors named "A Freeland"

Aim: Mental health-related emergency department (ED) presentations are steadily increasing, including presentations for both mental health and non-mental health concerns by existing clients of mental health services. The study aim was to examine and compare mental health clients and non-clients' ED presentations, identify data and clinical gaps and make recommendations for improvement.

Method: De-identified 2017/2018 ED data were used to describe presentations for current and recent (within last 5 years) clients of specialist public mental health and addiction services, compared to presentations of non-mental health clients.

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Objective: Little direct evidence supports any particular treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people with schizophrenia, forensic histories, and/or multiple comorbidities. This trial assesses the efficacy and risks of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for people with PTSD and psychotic disorders receiving forensic care, including inpatients and prisoners.

Method: Single-blind randomized controlled trial comparing EMDR therapy to wait-list (routine care) in forensic-treated adults with psychotic disorders and PTSD.

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Background: Transfers to emergency departments (EDs) from long-term care (LTC) can expose residents to care discontinuities and risks. Virtual platforms can increase the breadth of care available for residents within their facility, thus replacing transfers to EDs when safe and appropriate. The authors aimed to assess whether leveraging a virtual care platform at an LTC facility would reduce the number of transfers to EDs.

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Objectives: The burden of mental illness is increasing across developed countries. EDs are often used as access points by people experiencing mental health crises, with such rising demand in Australasia. Accurate data is critical to track and address this need, but research suggests that current data collection methods undercount mental health presentations to the EDs.

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