C measurements on the carbonaceous fractions of atmospheric aerosol are an important tool for source apportionment. In this paper, a C-based source apportionment study was carried out on samples collected during winter 2021 at an urban background site in the Po Valley, one of the main pollution hot-spot areas in Europe. The samples were prepared using MISSMARPLE (MIlan Small-SaMple Automated Radiocarbon Preparation LinE for atmospheric aerosol), a recently developed sample preparation line for C measurements on atmospheric aerosol carbon fractions, specifically targeting small samples (about 50 μgC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUrban textures of the Italian cities are peculiarly shaped by the local geography generating similarities among cities placed in different regions but comparable topographical districts. This suggested the following scientific question: can different topographies generate significant differences on the PM chemical composition at Italian urban sites that share similar geography despite being in different regions? To investigate whether such communalities can be found and are applicable at Country-scale, we propose here a novel methodological approach. A dataset comprising season-averages of PM mass concentration and chemical composition data was built, covering the decade 2005-2016 and referring to urban sites only (21 cities).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper presents a source apportionment study performed on a dataset collected at a trafficked site in Coimbra (Portugal) during the period December 2018-June 2019. The novelty of this work consists in the methodological approach used and the sensitivity study carried out to give hints to potential future applications. Indeed, a multi-time resolution and multi-parameter study was performed joining together aerosol data from 24-h chemically characterized samples and high-time resolution multi-wavelength absorption coefficients retrieved by an Aethalometer.
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