Publications by authors named "A Danielle Talen"

Background: The mainstay of colorectal cancer care is surgical resection, which carries a significant risk of complications. Efforts to improve outcomes have recently focused on intensive multimodal prehabilitation programs to better prepare patients for surgery, which make the perioperative process even more complex and demanding for patients. Digital applications (eCoaches) seem promising tools to guide patients during their care journey.

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Background: Multimodal prehabilitation programs are effective at reducing complications after colorectal surgery in patients with a high risk of postoperative complications due to low aerobic capacity and/or malnutrition. However, high implementation fidelity is needed to achieve these effects in real-life practice. This study aimed to investigate the implementation fidelity of an evidence-based prehabilitation program in the real-life context of a Dutch regional hospital.

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Background: Endovascular therapy has emerged as a promising alternative to open surgery for stroke prevention in patients with obstructive disease of the supra-aortic arteries. Although most previous studies have used similar safety and efficacy endpoints, differences in definitions, timing of assessments, and standards of reporting have hampered direct comparisons across various trials.

Methods And Results: The DEFINE group, an informal collaboration of multidisciplinary physicians, involved in the therapy of patients with obstructive disease of the supra-aortic arteries in Europe and the United States reviewed the current literature and, after extensive correspondence and meetings, proposed the definitions outlined in the present manuscript.

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Background: Endovascular therapy is a rapidly expanding option for the treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), leading to a myriad of published studies reporting on various revascularization strategies. However, these reports are often difficult to interpret and compare because they do not utilize uniform clinical endpoint definitions. Moreover, few of these studies describe clinical outcomes from a patients' perspective.

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Because of higher acute and long-term success rates compared with balloon angioplasty alone, percutaneous stent implantation has become an accepted therapy for the treatment of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. Restenosis rates after successful renal stent placement vary from 6 up to 40%, depending on the definition of restenosis, the diameter of the treated vessel segment and comorbidities. The safety and efficacy of drug-eluting stents for the treatment of renal-artery stenosis is poorly defined.

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