Publications by authors named "A Castro Beiras"

This article presents reflections on masculinity and the social construction of gender - based on the global phenomenon of the new coronavirus pandemic - produced by researchers who are part of the national research team on comprehensive health care policy for men in Brazil. From a gender-based standpoint, the article contends that it is necessary to note that cis heteronormative male socialization is guided by three core issues: 1) the submission to practices of care of self and others; 2) the rejection of preventive health practices, due to a distorted matrix of risk perception (and a certain sense of "invulnerability"); 3) the domestic dynamics marked by postures of command, order, and honor. These dimensions of everyday life were profoundly upset in this first phase of the epidemic, in which confinement became the most recommended alternative.

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Merkel cells are neuroendocrine cells associated to a neural sensitive ending and localized primarily in the epidermis, although they are also found in oral mucosa. Sox2 or SRY-box2 is a key transcription factor important in the maintenance of embryonic neural crest stem cell pluripotency. Sox2 has been described in Merkel cells of skin and in Merkel cell carcinomas, but not specifically in oral Merkel cells.

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We examined samples of human pheochromocytoma from 11 patients aged 30-70 years including one case of malignant pheochromocytoma with a view to identifying previously unreported ultrastructural details.We identified two types of nuclear inclusions consisting of irregularly shaped singular or multiple granulofibrillar formations with a typical concentric halo, on the one hand, and accumulations of egg-shaped structures consisting of granules and microfilaments, on the other. In some of the tumor cells, membrane-covered inclusions containing parallel laminar elements arranged in a paracrystalline, periodic fashion, or mega-mitrochondriae characterized by increased electrodensity of their matrix, and fibrillary material in the spaces between the cristae were present.

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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a promising clinical therapy for ischemic stroke. However, critical parameters, such as the most effective administration route, remain unclear. Intravenous (i.

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Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MNPs) together with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the preferred tools for monitoring the fate and biodistribution of administered cells in stem cell therapy studies. Commercial MNPs need transfection agents and long incubation times for sufficient cell labeling and further in vivo cell detection. In this work, we have synthesized MNPs coated with pluronic F127 and tetronic 908, and validated their applicability as contrast agents for MRI cell detection on two different cell types: rat mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and multipotent neural progenitor cell line from mice (C17.

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