Publications by authors named "A Atac"

This paper explores the electronic structure and spectral characteristics of coumarin (C), C-6H, C-153, and C-343 in the protic polar solvent acetonitrile, combining computational methods via Density Functional Theory (DFT) and time-dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) with experimental analysis of UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra. The optoelectronic features of C, C-6H, C-153, and C-343 are primarily utilized in the solution phase for various applications, such as lasers and dye-sensitized solar cells. Computational studies were conducted using four different Modal Chemistry methods [MC1: CAM-B3LYP/6-311++G(d.

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Breath and brain activity have been integral to daily life since time immemorial. Cognition and cardiorespiratory responses are closely interlinked, necessitating further investigation into their dynamics. The potential benefits of combining motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) based breathing exercises in rehabilitation have not been fully explored.

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Purpose: To evaluate the alteration of pre-post informing anxiety levels and behavioural scores of the children in the groups between those who were shown the multimedia-application and verbally explained.

Methods: In this randomized controlled study, healthy children, who applied to a paediatric-dental-clinic who never had a dental visit or dental procedure rather than oral examination were included. In the waiting room evaluation of children with a behaviour-control-list and Frankl's-Behaviour-Rating-Scale were performed, Venham-Picture-Test (VPT) was shown to the children.

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We aimed to investigate the effect of stretching exercises applied to the hamstring, one of the posterior muscle chains, on musculoskeletal flexibility, chest mobility, and respiratory function. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and static stretching exercises were applied to 30 healthcare personnel caring for children with developmental delays using a crossover randomized study design. Posterior muscle chain mobility was assessed using the popliteal angle test (PAT) for the hamstring muscle, the mobility of the lumbar muscles was assessed using the Schober test (ST), and the mobility of the posterior chain muscles as a whole was assessed using the finger-to-floor distance test.

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This study aimed to establish normative values for maximum inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure in the Turkish population while creating specific equations to calculate these values. The study involved 219 healthy adults, with a minimum of 50 individuals in specific age ranges: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50-60 years. Each age group comprised at least 25 males and 25 females.

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