Publications by authors named "A A Khamidullin"

Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare disease defined by the obstruction of hepatic venous outflow anywhere from the small hepatic veins to the junction of the inferior vena cava and the right atrium. This syndrome is uncommon in children. The article presents a case report of chronic refractory Budd-Chiari syndrome with a leading ascites in 16 years adolescent, which required surgical intervention--transjugular intrahepatic porta systemic shunt.

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There is opinion in the literature as to that liver trematode infections, such as opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis, fascioliasis, and metorchiasis, can induce cancer of the liver pancreas, intestine - this all is clinically observed. The authors were the first in world practice to show the development of a hepatic blastomatous process in animals (albino rats, cats) with opisthorchiasis in 13%; cancer developed in 28 and 56% with the use of a hepatotropic carcinogen and combined (opisthorchiasis + a carcinogen) exposure, respectively. Throughout his life, a human being can easily catch these trematodes that have carcinogenic activity and these diseases concurrent with household and food carcinogens can give rise to tumors in the liver pancreas and intestine.

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Experience of 249 surgeries for "small" tumors of the adrenal glands whose (3-4 cm in size maximum) are analyzed. In 212 patients a small extracavitary approach through the bed of rib XI was used, in 12--thoracophrenolumbotomy through the tenth intercost. Endoscopic technology of removal of "small" adrenal tumors with transperitoneal approach was used in 25 patients.

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