Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
July 2019
Background: The delivery of the fetus in breech presentation remains one of the most serious challenge for obstetricians. In the cases of pregnancy of more than 29 weeks, it is recommended to carry out the activities aimed at translating breech presentation into cephalic presentation by means of the external preventive rotation of the fetus to the head with the use various complexes of gymnastic exercises as well as other methods applied for the correction of the abnormal fetal presentation including water aerobics.
Aim: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the method for the prenatal correction of the pathological presentation of the fetus based on the use of the water aerobics procedures.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
July 2014
The present review considers aquaerobic as a form of therapeutic exercises for the prenatal preparation of the pregnant women. It is shown that aquaerobic improves the parameters characterizing the degree of physical preparedness and physical development of the pregnant women, normalizes their general well-being, mood, sleep, physical activity, and working capacity. Moreover, regular aquaerobic exercises prevent the development of pregnancy complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
August 2008
We have developed a new approach to the analysis of hypomethylated CpG patterns within predetermined, megabase long, genome regions. The approach, which we term Non-methylated Genomic Sites Coincidence Cloning (NGSCC), includes three main steps. First, total genomic DNA is digested with a methylation sensitive restriction endonuclease, such as HpaII or HhaI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA technique for genome-wide detection of differences in the integration site positions of interspersed repeats in related genomes (DiffIR) is described. The technique is based on a whole- genome selective PCR amplification of the repeats' flanking regions followed by a differential hybridization screening of the arrayed library of the selected amplicons. The technique was successfully applied to the comparison of the integration sites in the human and chimpanzee genomes, allowing us to discover 11 new human-specific integrations of human endogenous retrovirus, K family (HML-2) long terminal repeats.
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