Publications by authors named "Serasini"

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are characterised by impairment in joint attention (JA), which has two components: the response to JA and the initiation of JA. Literature suggests a correlation between JA and neural circuitries, although this link is still largely unexplored in ASD. In this pilot study, we aimed at investigating the neural correlates of responding and initiating JA in high-functioning children with ASD and evaluating the changes in brain function and visual pattern after six months of rehabilitative treatment using an integrated EEG/eye-tracking system.

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Within the framework of the LUST trial (LUng water by Ultra-Sound guided Treatment to prevent death and cardiovascular events in high-risk end-stage renal disease patients), the European Renal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis Transplant Association established a central core lab aimed at training and certifying nephrologists and cardiologists participating in this trial. All participants were trained by an expert trainer with an entirely web-based programme. Thirty nephrologists and 14 cardiologists successfully completed the training.

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Rationale: Clinical probability assessment is a fundamental step in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.

Objectives: To develop a predictive model for pulmonary embolism based on clinical symptoms, signs, and the interpretation of the electrocardiogram.

Methods: The model was developed from a database of 1,100 patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, of whom 440 had the disease confirmed by angiography or autopsy findings.

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We sought to evaluate the possible interaction between the adenosine and angiotensin systems in the regulation of renal microcirculation in humans. Twenty normotensive patients entered the study. Ten patients (group 1) were pretreated with 50 mg of captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme, whereas 10 patients (group 2) were pretreated with placebo.

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Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of adenosine on renal blood flow in humans.

Methods: Eleven normotensive patients (mean age 53 +/- 11 years) with normal renal angiograms were enrolled in the study. Arterial blood pressure, one ECG lead and arterial renal blood flow velocity, by intravascular Doppler catheter, were monitored throughout the procedure.

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Myocardial tissue perfusion is not currently quantified in the clinical setting. Thus the aim of this paper is to review the quantitative information on myocardial perfusion provided by contrast echocardiography. In a circulatory model-without the capillary network interposed between injection and sampling point of contrast-the transit time of microbubbles (source of the echo contrast effect) is inversely related to absolute flow, thus providing accurate quantitation.

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