China has a huge area of diverse landscapes and is believed to conceive incredibly high fungal diversity. To systematically and promptly report Chinese fungal species, we initiate the series of here. In the first paper of this series, we focus on plant-inhabiting fungi.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFspecies exhibit a wide range of ecological roles, including plant, animal, or human pathogens, as well as epiphytes, saprophytes, or endophytes, predominantly associated with cultivated cereals. In this study, several fungal isolates with similar characteristics in the genus were recovered from various poaceous hosts (Poales plants) in different locations in Iran during 2012‒2022. Based on the morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogeny of the translation elongation factor-1 alpha (), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (), and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-rDNA) genes, the studied isolates were assigned to five species, of which , sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe evolution of a species can be understood in the context of two major concepts-the cryptic species concept and the phenotypic noise concept. The former represents morphologically indistinguishable but genetically distinct evolutionary lineages, while the latter represents the phenotypic variations of an isogenic population. Although the concept of cryptic species currently represents a general topic, its effect on other aspects of biology, such as biodiversity, ecology, evolutionary biology, and taxonomy, is still unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMacadamia trees, the most economically important Proteaceae perennial crop, are globally renowned for their edible nuts. During our surveys of microfungi associated with macadamia in China and Thailand, we isolated three saprobic fungi from dead macadamia branches. Our multigene phylogenetic analyses (ITS, LSU, SSU, 1-α, 2, and loci), genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition (GCPSR) with a pairwise homoplasy index (PHI) test, and morphological characteristics led to the discovery of two new species, and , and one new record, .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFplays an important role in the natural ecosystem and has significant economic value. Some species of this genus have been cultivated in Asia, America, and Europe. This study describes four edible species of , two of which were newly discovered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSaprobic fungi are known for their critical role in decomposition and nutrient cycling. The study of saprobic fungi is equally important, as it helps in understanding their ecological roles and identifying their hidden diversity. This study focused on saprobic fungi on , which is poorly studied compared to economically important hosts like coffee, tea, and rubber.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProtoplasts are essential tools for genetic manipulation and functional genomics research in fungi. This study systematically optimized protoplast preparation conditions and examined transcriptional changes throughout the preparation and regeneration processes to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and regeneration of protoplasts in . The results indicated an optimal protoplast yield of 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study is based on three terrestrial saprobic fungi associated with in Guangdong and Yunnan provinces in China. All isolated species matched with generic concepts of . Detailed morphological characteristics and combined multigene phylogeny of LSU, SSU, and TEF revealed that the new isolates represent two new species ( and ), and one new host and geographical record ().
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to investigate the morphological characteristics and phylogenetic relationships of three new species of from the southern parts of India. The analyses of the ITS and nLSU regions revealed the novelty of these species, which have been named , , and . All three species possess pileate basidiomes, a monomitic hyphal system in the context, and the presence of cystidioles and setae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(Omphalotaceae, Agaricales) specimens collected in Thailand were investigated based on morphological characteristics and molecular phylogenetic analyses. In the present study, two species are introduced as new to science, namely and . Phylogenetic analyses were carried out based on the internal transcribed spacer (nrITS) and nuclear ribosomal RNA large subunit (nrLSU) regions, and the results revealed that the two new taxa are distinct species within .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis the third largest rust genus of the order with more than 200 described species. It is an important rust genus that has undergone tremendous taxonomic changes. This genus produces teliospores united into a head on a compound pedicel composed of two to several hyphae with autoecious, macro-, demi- to hemi-, and, more rarely, microcyclic modes of their life cycle which provide it a unique identity and have proved helpful in the identification of the genus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring a survey of the diversity of lignicolous fungi in Yunnan Province, China, we collected and identified five microfungi species from dead woody litters of trees in terrestrial habitats. Through both morphological comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of multi-gene sequences, we identified two taxa as new species and three collections as new host records within Pleosporales. is introduced as a sexual morph in Lophiostomataceae, is introduced as a hyphomycetous fungi in Phaeoseptaceae, and as a first report of sexual morph in .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWorld J Microbiol Biotechnol
July 2024
Phytopathogenic species pose a significant threat to global plant health, resulting in estimated annual economic losses exceeding USD (US Dollars) 68 billion in the agriculture and forestry sectors worldwide. To combat this pervasive menace effectively, a comprehensive understanding of the biology, ecology, and plant infection mechanisms of these pathogens is imperative. This comprehensive review critically examines various aspects of spp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe tropical areas in southern and south-western Yunnan are rich in fungal diversity. Additionally, the diversity of seed flora in Yunnan Province is higher than in other regions in China and the abundant endemic species of woody plants provide favourable substrates for fungi. Rubber plantations in Yunnan Province are distributed over a large area, especially in Xishuangbanna.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring our investigation of saprophytic fungi in Guizhou and Hainan provinces, China, three hyphomycetes were collected from terrestrial and freshwater habitats. Based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU, 1-α, and 2 sequence data, two new species are introduced: and . Additionally, one known species, , previously unreported from , is newly reported.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe complex, predominantly reported from East Asia, Mesoamerica and Caribbean countries, was circumscribed into as one of the new genera, based on morphological and phylogenetic data. The present paper describes four new species of from India. Morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses, based on ITS and nLSU data, delimited the new species, which are named , , and .
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(Lange) Imbach is the most widely cultivated mushroom in the world. wet bubble disease is one of the most severe diseases of white button mushrooms and is caused by the fungal pathogen . The pathogen causes a drastic reduction in mushroom yield because of malformation and deterioration of the basidiomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndophytic microbes are a ubiquitous group of plant-associated communities that colonize the intercellular or intracellular host tissues while providing numerous beneficial effects to the plants. All the plant species are thought to be associated with endophytes, majorly constituted with bacteria and fungi. During the last two decades, there has been a considerable movement toward the study of endophytes associated with coffee plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFungi live different lifestyles-including pathogenic and symbiotic-by interacting with living plants. Recently, there has been a substantial increase in the study of phytopathogenic fungi and their interactions with plants. Symbiotic relationships with plants appear to be lagging behind, although progressive.
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