Publications by authors named "Marco Ferrante"

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to reshape the landscape of clinical trials through innovative applications, with a notable advancement being the emergence of synthetic patient generation. This process involves simulating cohorts of virtual patients that can either replace or supplement real individuals within trial settings. By leveraging synthetic patients, it becomes possible to eliminate the need for obtaining patient consent and creating control groups that mimic patients in active treatment arms.

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The Azores holds the largest population of Cory's shearwater (Cory, 1881) (Aves, Procellariiformes) in the world. Apart from a few mammal-free islets, the bulk of the population breeds in coastal areas on the main human-inhabited islands, where several non-native predators have been introduced. Throughout the entire year of the 2019 breeding season, we used motion-triggered cameras and regularly visited three colonies of Cory's shearwater to identify nest predators and the factors affecting nest predation.

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In agricultural landscapes, semi-natural habitats can support populations of beneficial species, such as natural enemies. Using artificial caterpillars made of plasticine, we compared arthropod and vertebrate predation rates in wheat fields adjacent to hedgerows or spontaneous grass margins in two contrasting agricultural landscapes. Overall, 25.

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Natural habitats adjacent to vineyards are presumed to have a positive effect on the diversity of natural enemies within the vineyards. However, these habitats differ in vegetation structure and seasonal phenology and in turn could affect the species composition of natural enemies. Here, we compared the species richness and diversity and the composition of spider assemblages in several locations within three commercial vineyards and the nearby natural habitats in a Mediterranean landscape in northern Israel.

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Arthropods are declining globally, and entomologists ought to be in the forefront of protecting them. However, entomological study methods are typically lethal, and we argue that this makes the ethical status of the profession precarious. Lethal methods are used in most studies, even those that aim to support arthropod conservation.

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The effect of flower strips on ecosystem services (ESs) and disservices (EDs) is routinely assessed following changes in service provider densities without measuring the associated levels of ES/EDs. By using the sentinel approach (i.e.

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) represents an endocrine condition affecting 5-18% of adolescents, frequently in association with obesity, metabolic alterations, and liver dysfunction. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in a cohort of PCOS adolescents. Thirty-two girls were assessed for anthropometric and biochemical markers: total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG), glucose, insulin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (γGT).

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The traceability and authentication of PDOs wines are important issues for safeguarding their production and distribution systems. This paper evaluated seven Venetian PDO wines, i.e.

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Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 (Clinical Trial Regulation, CTR) offers two precious tools to academic clinical research in Italy: - The right to transfer not-for-profit clinical trials data and results for registration purposes, and co-sponsorship. - The right to transfer data reduces the time needed to make innovative therapeutical agents and therapies accessible to the patient. Co-sponsorship, on the other hand, allows the establishment of a partnership between entities with different missions, ideals and attitudes, sharing - nevertheless - the same ultimate goal: meeting the patient's medical needs.

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  • * Research involving citizen scientists revealed that increased impervious surfaces (like concrete) around pedunculate oaks led to a decrease in insect damage, while more forest cover increased herbivory from chewing insects.
  • * Local canopy cover can mitigate the negative effects of impervious surfaces on certain herbivores, indicating that urban habitat characteristics play a crucial role in shaping plant-insect interactions.
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Background: The data we present are part of the AGRO-ECOSERVICES project (Assessing ecosystem services and disservices provided by arthropod species in Azorean agroecosystems). The project aims to evaluate the relative importance of native and non-native organisms as ecosystem services (ES) and disservices (ED) providers, by combining novel, direct and quantitative tools for monitoring agro-biodiversity. Ecosystem services include evaluation of natural pest control by predation, seed predation on weed plants, pollination, decomposition and ecosystem disservices, herbivory and seed predation on crop plants.

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Extreme temperatures and scarce precipitation in deserts have led to abiotic factors often being regarded as more important than biotic ones in shaping desert communities. The presumed low biological activity of deserts is also one reason why deserts are often overlooked by conservation programs. We provide the first quantification of predation intensity from a desert ecosystem using artificial sentinel prey emulating caterpillars, a standardized monitoring tool to quantify relative predation pressure by many invertebrate and vertebrate predators.

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Enriching agroecosystems with non-crop vegetation is a popular strategy for conservation biocontrol. In vineyards, the effects of specific seeded or planted cover crops on natural enemies are well-studied, whereas conserving spontaneously developing weeds received less attention. We compared parasitoid communities between matched pairs of vineyard plots in northern Israel, differing in weed management practices: "herbicide", repeated herbicide applications vs.

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Oil is a major pollutant of the environment, and terrestrial oil spills frequently occur in desert areas. Although arthropods account for a large share of animal diversity, the effect of oil pollution on this group is rarely documented. We evaluated the effects of oil pollution on parasitoid wasps associated with Vachellia (formerly Acacia) tortilis (Forssk.

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trees are keystone species in many arid environments, supporting high levels of plant and animal diversity. In Israel, the populations of (formerly ) (Forssk.) and (Savi) are declining at an alarming rate.

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For the first time, vanadium of biological origin, extracted from centrifugal fraction of vanadium-storing blood cells of the Ascidia sydneiensis samea species, was characterized as regards its isotopic composition and content of natural radioactive elements potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U). The natural abundance of vanadium isotopes has been confirmed with high accuracy, thus excluding a possible selectivity within bio-chemical reactions of vanadium concentration in blood cells from seawater. A large potassium concentration (up to 5500 × 10 g g) was found in the blood cell samples.

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Seventy-six samples of saffron were analysed through inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and stable isotope ratio analysis. The dataset was formed by 67 samples harvested in different areas of Italy, Morocco and Iran, and nine samples purchased in the Italian market. For the first time, 42 elements and five stable isotopes (δ C, δ N, δ S, δ H and δ O) were considered to carry out the discrimination of the samples on the basis of their geographical origin.

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  • The study evaluates the risk to protected butterfly species in Central Europe from the extensive cultivation of transgenic maize, specifically insect resistant (IR) and herbicide resistant (HR) varieties.
  • The toxic pollen from IR maize can harm butterfly larvae if they coincide with maize flowering, affecting at least 31 butterfly species during their larval stage.
  • HR maize usage can diminish important weed species that serve as food plants for butterflies, potentially leading to population declines in 140 protected species that rely on these weeds.
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Successful biological control of the whitefly involves the mass rearing of biocontrol agents in large numbers for field release. Cold storage of the biocontrol agents is often necessary to provide a sufficient number of biocontrol agents during an eventual pest outbreak. In this study, the fitness of two whitefly parasitoids Girault and Dodd (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Zolnerowich and Rose (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was evaluated under fluctuating cold storage temperatures.

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Trees host a large share of the global arthropod diversity. Several methodologies have been described to sample arthropods from trees, ranging from active sampling techniques (e.g.

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The whitefly, (Gennadius) cryptic species Mediterranean (MED), is a destructive insect pest worldwide. In order to contribute to controlling by non-chemical methods, we examined the possibility of using a combination of trap/barrier crops and a parasitoid natural enemy in cotton. We performed field experiments using cantaloupe () and sunflower () as trap crops and maize () as a barrier crop combined with periodic releases of the parasitoid in Hebei Province, Northern China.

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Background: The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) MED, is a destructive insect pest in many countries of the world. Although the use of insecticides for controlling B. tabaci has been effective to a certain extent, pesticides are not an acceptable long-term control method, and alternatives should be sought.

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Iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) supported multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) derivatives have been prepared as easily recyclable solid reagents. These compounds have been shown to be able to mimic the alcohol dehydrogenases and monooxygenases promoted oxidation of aromatic alcohols to corresponding aldehydes. Their reactivity was found to be dependent on the degree of functionalization of MWCNTs as well as from the chemical properties of the spacers used to bind IBX on the surface of the support.

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Humankind draws important benefits from large-scale ecological processes termed ecosystem services, yet the status of several of them is declining. Reliable monitoring methods are essential for tracking the status of ecosystem services. Predation is the mainstay of natural pest control, a key ecosystem service.

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South America is undergoing a rapid and large-scale conversion of natural habitats to cultivated land. Ecosystem services still remain important but their level and sustainability are not known. We quantified predation intensity in an Argentinian agricultural landscape containing remnants of the original chaco serrano forest using artificial sentinel prey.

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